
About us

Leading the texturing industry
professional group

Mold-Tech Japan-SET was established by Mold-Tech Japan Co., Ltd., headquartered in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, to strengthen its presence in Asia.
We are a manufacturer of textured plastic molds and boast the top market share in the industry.

Many plastic products, automobile interior and instrument panel parts, home appliances, office automation equipment, etc. are textured to give them a beautiful appearance. Adding a texture finish not only gives the product a luxurious appearance, but also improves the feel to the touch, prevents reflections and slips, and makes fingerprints and scratches less noticeable. A wide variety of products are widely used in various areas of daily life.

Our company has the equipment and technical capabilities to handle even precise and complex texture patterns, and we continue to innovate on a daily basis while capturing the wide-ranging needs of our customers and society. In addition, we have built a network of overseas bases in countries around the world, and are actively researching new technologies and developing alliances, and have established a system to respond to texture processing services in various parts of the world.

About us


Achievement of No. 1 market share in the industry

01Achievement of No. 1 market share in the industry

Our company boasts the No. 1 market share in domestic texturing services. We have excellent knowledge and experience in creating complex texture patterns that cannot be realized by other companies, and we receive requests from various industries such as automobile manufacturers and plastic manufacturers.

Various equipment and reliable technical capabilities

02Various equipment and reliable technical capabilities

We have a variety of equipment, including one of the largest printers in Japan and a three-dimensional scanner, and are able to produce large-format prints and create seamless, more realistic textures.
In addition, we can handle new design patterns using high-precision, high-definition texturing technology using laser beams, and evolve into textures with even higher added value.

Global network

03Global network

We have business alliances with overseas factories not only in Asia, but also in North, Central, and South America, Europe, and Africa, and are working on new technology research and development.
With the goal of being the world's best in quality, we will continue to strive for ingenuity and technological pursuits every day in order to respond to the difficult requests and concerns of our customers.


In addition to texturing services that increase the added value of products, Mold-Tech Japan-SET also provides coating services that maximize the functionality of molds and the performance of resins. We also accept requests for ``Mock-UP Tech,'' a test product that allows us to verify the appearance, shape, and color of texture in a form that is closer to the image of the finished product.
We provide high-quality products not only with state-of-the-art equipment but also with the reliable technical capabilities of our experienced engineers.



We, SET ASIA GROUP, continue to take on the challenge of always providing satisfaction that exceeds expectations while responding to ever-changing product patterns and diversifying required values ​​through technological innovation through our global network based in Asia.

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Contact us


If you have any requests or consultations,
please contact us.
Please feel free to contact us.


What draft angle is required to prevent galling and scuffing caused by texture?
As a general guide, we recommend 8° to 10°.
However, it is not possible to make a general decision because it is greatly affected by the product shape, molding resin, molding conditions, mold structure, product wall thickness, etc.
How much should I polish as a base for texture?
There are some differences depending on the type of texture, but the depth of the texture changes the amount of finishing polishing.
(Broadly divided as follows)
  • ~5μ#800 paper finish or higher
  • ~10μ#600 paper finish or higher
  • ~15μ#400 paper finish or higher
  • #320 paper finish or higher
The texture number is another company's number or unknown - can it be matched to the sample?
There are some differences depending on the type of texture pattern, but if it is a stipple texture pattern, it can be treated as an equivalent product and can be processed by applying our number.
For leather texture or geometric texture, please consult us.

Other example questions

  • Is it possible to process any mold material?
  • What should I do if it gets scratched or rusted?
  • Is there any problem with the welded model?
  • Can inserts be processed even when they are assembled?
  • When performing nitriding treatment, which should come first or after?
  • What should I do if texture galling occur?

We will also provide easy-to-understand explanations for any questions you may have.
Please feel free to contact our office or your sales representative.

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